SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)


There’s a sentinel?

Unknown isn’t important at the moment, but if we find witch he’s good for late game.

I’m still sus on Orange, as even if he claims Casanova he hasn’t proven in. We’re refraining from voting him based on no information or proof, he might be lying his ass off.
Could’ve been converted (although at this point I think the confirmed quartet master seems like a more qualified candidate for conversion)

We can always prove orange as Casanova by voting him, the problem is that we can’t prove he’s been converted without Unknown checking him because he technically stays as Casanova I think.
But since it seems Nuclear was the first conversion, they can’t convert for a couple days more, so they can be put on the backburner for now.


Oh, the King was converted?
Thought it was his starting class s:

That’s the working theory. The Corrupt don’t change class when they take someone and can convert during the day, so it seems that Nuclear started as Psychopathic King and got converted to Corrupt Psychopathic King.

Too risky claim and gonna be tested when only we will have more time for that.

Also, that explains the sheeping of Unknown I guess.

Hardcounters usualy stay low, trying to follow general public opinion when they don’t have anything more to say.

Well, claim matches behavior. Let’s move on.

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Ah, that makes sense then.
They’ve got a cooldown too right?

Alright, then I apologize for my converted suspicions…

/vote @Wolfy

Plz be some unconfirmable class so we can lynch something finaly.

Yeah, under normal circumstances they have a 2-days long cooldown because their conversions are day-time and can hit pretty much any class.

So we can’t really trust anyone, confirmed or not, D4?
Ah shit and there’s still a witch

In before the witch is converted to corrupt :frowning:

Wouldn’t mind it tbh.

White agent would be able to find witch that way.

I still think eliminating unconfirmed ppl is a good move, especialy that it helps locate source as well.

Would that count as Witch changing class? D:
I hope it does.

Or would it mean everyone dies except corrupt?

Probably a good idea, just hurrying up and getting rid of people before nightfall…

Pretty sure it means they’d be a Corrupt Witch and the bomb would still blow everyone else up, which I guess would mean a Corrupt victory?

Ah, well… So it wouldn’t really help out.

It’d make the Witch detectable by the White Agent but not much more than that.