SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Forgot that, lol derp me.

But you’re playing like you are one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Welcome to the club lol

Do I give a damn?
Everyone said before this that we’re not gonna concentrate on witch until a bit later.
So why does orange being confirmed not witch, matter right now?
This piece is a travesty.


So now I have what, five scumbuddies?


No, you have some people who’re blindly following you.

Nobody here is blind but you

I’m one of the most easily proven BD classes in the game

The only people “following” me know this

The rest on the wagon aren’t on it because of me

I’m really tired, let me wake up then I’ll be logical :stuck_out_tongue:

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You can start by wagoning the unproven and unclaiming person that everybody else is voting

PKR going hard on that defence on someone without a claim or good defence… :stuck_out_tongue:

Not everyone said that, once people realized that we have the converted scum + an NK already down and a bomber, it made sense to start prioritizing that over the scum faction that can’t convert for another two days.

you have no idea

Anyways @Ami @JammySplodge be dears and vote @Wolfy won’t you?

I’m want to believe that PKR isn’t stalling for time on purpose.
PKR if you really doubt the Casanova claim we can always vote orange up tomorrow to have him prove. There’s no time to CFD onto him, have him prove, then go back to scum hunting all today.

To be fair it is possible I could get converted tomorrow

Somebody will be, anyways

Convert is on a 2-day cooldown, they can’t convert tomorrow I believe.

I thought it was 1-day?

2, looking at the card right now.

Oh wow sucks for them lol