SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Sooner or later it will happen. It happened to me in FoL9 I think where I pretty much lead the BD to victory late game

So what if we break this trend and just execute Orange?
I don’t wanna be that guy but ;( Trigger happy people are usually scum, from my ToL experiences at least.

Orange is always trigger happy. I would be down with lynching him. We need some payback!

Here comes the OMGUS

@Ami stop encouraging clearly bad play, Luxx just looks scummier now

(although at least somebody understands that I’m not “off-meta” every time I push somebody, I get that a lot for some reason)

Either way I’d say I’m like 70% on Luxx being scum rn, which is pretty high

Hop on the wagon kiddos

Orange you ever think there was a reason I tried to retire from FoL?


I joined FoL because it looked fun. You with your try hardness is really making me considering replacing out. It really pisses me off you expect everyone to play the way you want too. Some people want to play and have fun.


Sigh do I need to give you a guide on how I tend to lie?


I don’t expect people to play like I do at all.

Admitting to lying is basically admitting to being scum

BD have no reason to lie

@Ami http://www.blankmediagames.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=41115

I didn’t say I was lying.
I asked if I should give you a guide on how I lie, implying that you’re really misreading me at the moment.

How can I misread such an obvious scumtell that you have yet to explain

You know what, sure. Go ahead and think you’re scum reading me. If that makes you feel better.

I hope others are smart enough to realise you’re wrong.

I’m laughing my ass off right now Orange. Thats not what I said at all. You are making it not fun. Plain. and. Simple

But that’s exactly what you said

I too want to have fun

In no way does pushing scum detract from enjoyment


Your fun is…? Making people play to win when they want to have fun. Your literally wagoning a new player who softed invest, offered to give you a guide of how they lie, and you think you just want to have fun.

Yes, because that’s a scummy thing to do

You seem to imply that the game is only fun if you don’t push people that do scummy things, which really confuses me

At that point you’re not even playing a game, just getting slaughtered.

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I don’t think it’s AI to soft an investigative class. Sometimes it’s better to stay in the background and work, sure, but at least this way she can have protection and other investigatives can even confirm her if they don’t believe her.