SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

I didn’t say I was lying.
I asked if I should give you a guide on how I lie, implying that you’re really misreading me at the moment.

How can I misread such an obvious scumtell that you have yet to explain

You know what, sure. Go ahead and think you’re scum reading me. If that makes you feel better.

I hope others are smart enough to realise you’re wrong.

I’m laughing my ass off right now Orange. Thats not what I said at all. You are making it not fun. Plain. and. Simple

But that’s exactly what you said

I too want to have fun

In no way does pushing scum detract from enjoyment


Your fun is…? Making people play to win when they want to have fun. Your literally wagoning a new player who softed invest, offered to give you a guide of how they lie, and you think you just want to have fun.

Yes, because that’s a scummy thing to do

You seem to imply that the game is only fun if you don’t push people that do scummy things, which really confuses me

At that point you’re not even playing a game, just getting slaughtered.

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I don’t think it’s AI to soft an investigative class. Sometimes it’s better to stay in the background and work, sure, but at least this way she can have protection and other investigatives can even confirm her if they don’t believe her.

But she never asked for protection

Why not do that if truly BD?

You’d probably say “scum alert” too if I did ask for protection.

Also since you probably won’t understand unless I explain it…
Asking to be guarded means evils aren’t going to target me this night. Which means they will target someone else and people will die.
If I don’t ask for a guard, yet someone decides to protect me, evils might not not attack me, therefore either wasting a night, or getting killed by someone guarding.

But now that’s not gonna happen.

No, asking for protection is pretty NAI, and for a new player I’d call it town

Also welcome to WIFOM

Protectors, knowing this, may not protect you

But then you may be killed

I’ve seen it all happen before

Not asking for protection in order to not call more attention to yourself is also NAI. With regards to WIFOM, even though she’s new to FoL, the same principle applies to ToL which Luxx is well versed in.

Yes, but in a game where she may be the only investigative class you don’t just claim investigative

If I wasn’t made aware of your constant treating new players as insta-scum, I’d say you’re acting way too hostile for someone who’s appearently not scum.

But if this is how you normally behave even as BD… God have mercy on our souls.

I don’t constantly treat new players as scum, and I can see how Noz might have given you that idea, but that’s not what he meant.

It was moreso a “he treats everybody as scum” statement.

Which, of course, is true - unless you act in a pro-BD manner, or unless I’m scum.

Either way, this is hardly a hostile push lol

“It’s hardly a hostile push lol”

TIL it’s okay to accuse someone of being evil based on saying they used an ability that checked someone.

Since when is that not okay?

And how do you define that as hostile?