SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)


This game is damn slow.

I mean, PKR is slipping hard.

Artist checking someone?
Tracking people?
Changing the opinion on someone in place, without any progression?

Just… what?

The only thing saving him rn is day ability.
I wonder if he is corrupted saved by other corrupted who has that day ability.

That’s just tinfoil idea. Don’t think about it until we have corrupted artist flip.

@eevee I did vote luxx thank you very much

People don’t know that they’re corrupted.
So yeah, that theory doesn’t actually work at all.

Wtf, where did you get that from?

Kinda obvious they do know they were converted imo.
PKR, are you even interested in this game, or are you gonna make mistake after mistake, most of them at level of scumslip, and ignore this fact… like at all?


Should I shoot pkr xo


Wait, you are dying anyway, ain’t ya?

Tbh if you can still shoot, shoot Jammy or Luxx or sth like that.

Who should I guard tonight :hear_no_evil:

You should vote, and kill someone from POE if we hang BD.

Still a good idea.

Also if we kill evil, then like… protect Polik tbh.

I mean, he is neutral, but I like him.

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I’m hard confirmed Artist.
I’m just tired :expressionless:

/double vote Luxx

1 more vote!


/vote Luxx

@Queen_Alfa @Ashe - trial plz

@Queen_Alfa @Ashe - Did you even prod Jammy? I mean that tier of inactivity should already be replaced or modkilled. Please state if you replace them on end of day.


Let Luxx claim and post journal first.
I am a benevolent God-King and want to let her plead her case.

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