SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)


Nah, not allowed. I check to see of he doesn’t abuse his power

But in all seriousness, if Hippo claims and it doesn’t look sus, who will be next to vote, and any night plans?

Next will be Agent and then PKR and then SuperJack until all have claimed.

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So long as either Frost or Noz heals me of the plague at some point, I’ll heal Ashe.

SuperJack is going to be very reluctant to claim because he knows as well as I do that this is a bad idea, but shrug

I think next game, we should not mass claim D2 because the next sfol is Orange’s I think

Then mine, looking forward to it

Not a bad idea anymore. All of our important roles have been outed. It’s just locking scum into a fake claim at this point.

It might have been a bad idea earlier, but can’t change the past!


Hear fucking hear

At this point I have absolutely no idea who to wolf. There were these suggestions:

-wolf Wolfy because scum - some people seem to trust his Princess claim though?
-wolf Icibalus for confirmation - but some people believe it’s a waste since he’s basically confirmed Alch?
-wolf Dama because Carrier - but he will get jailed and exed by Prince… or will cooperate with us…?

Maybe I should just bear instead, lol.

Wolfy can be confirmed tommorow, don’t waste a wolf!
Also he is a wolf so he’ll probably just make friends with your wolf

That’s why I hate being open Hunter. I could just choose whoever and now people will call me dumb if I wolf someone they didn’t want wolfed D:

Ah, and to be honest, after this entire, exhausting day, I read Marluxion as anything BUT BD King.

Moleland - bold Paladin claim D1
NozBugz - apparently PD
Cheesy - Psychic claim
NuclearBurrito - Maid
Marluxion - seems like Cowardly King to me, but could very well be Devout
Icibalus - Alch claim
PKR - ??? - “important BD” - but there aren’t many of those left
Frost - apparently PD too
Ashe - Prince
Polik - Priest claim
Wolfy - Princess claim
Hippolytus - Can’t read him yet.
Dama - claimed Carrier

Adding another person to my list of people to speak to postgame.

Sorry, but that’s how I feel about you right now.

Also, I think a poll should be started about who to wolf.
Otherwise, I’m pretty sure I just… won’t wolf.

We can discuss this more as we get more claims/near the end of the day.

We’ll probably establish a proper night plan later when everybody has a claim down .

Four votes against Hippolytus, as Marluxion said we shouldn’t hammer right now.

You guys can call me Marl for short like everyone else btw :wink:

But if the maid is converted then it’s bloody easy for her him to fakeclaim.

So he need either compare pairs with the unclaimed with confirmed or you know, check class type.

btw dama said he wasnt visiting pkr
maybe he was actuallly :open_mouth:

This is probably the first place where I see people calling me Val

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