SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

He said earlier that he infected PKR.



Yes but isn’t that bit convenient? Noz will find out if he’s telling the truth.

Yeah, but that aside… we really need a CW. Cult would love to convert Priest or me.

Occam’s Razor, my friend. The most simple answer is usually the correct one.
Either way, claiming Carrier is druid isn’t a good play.

I am well aware of this.

I am just saying that Noz applies the simple answer if PKR is truly infected.

I know, I wasn’t disputing that. I also wasn’t trying to dismiss the possibility of it.

I’m really curious to see what @PokemonKidRyan claims. He said “important BD”, but I’m pretty sure all important BD have already been claimed.

What if
PKR Entangled himself

Or judgement? whatever the day ability is

( I don’t actually know if you can do that, don’t take that seriously )

A shaman can.

Intresting idea.
I mean I designed Druid because I thought it might be cool so…
Yea, I’d say that’s possible. Depends on what Jammu thinks

Druid is awesome. It and Spiritualist are my two favorite NKs.

Could PKR have used the Druid’s day ability on himself? Or does the druid have to target other players with it?

(also PKR, no, i don’t necessarily read you as the druid, i just want to know if it’s even a possibility we should consider.)

Bussy catching up and lunch now be back in 30min smth.

Claim please.

Yeah just spout your class really quick and then catch up/eat.