SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

I think this is stupid that we’re D2 claiming.
I’m a second PD.
I wanted protection for one simple reason.
We need at least one of me and Noz to survive.

I thought I would’ve died had I not claimed ‘important’ as my tactic was:

  1. Claiming important instead of just PD, killers are there and may go for me instead of Noz
  2. Statistically I’ve been killed a lot quicker than Noz recently, furthering my thoughts.
  3. I also lead a lot, which brings a lot of attention to me. I wanted 1 phys or 1 alche on me and that’s it. As I was scared.
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Well, we’re fucked now I just realsied…

This early of mass claim, and we do not know if we have a second healing such as a Physician

You’re the THIRD PD actually.

Could be n1 convert as I said, but fairly unlikely.

Anyways, 3 PD CLAIMS :open_mouth:

Oh boy, PKR.

You done goofed.

No, PKR didn’t done goof. It means someone is lying. This is good.

Perhaps, that means NozBugz, me and PKR claimed PD.

I haven’t read recently, so I wouldn’t have known had 2 other people claimed it.
I simply claimed what I am.
Isn’t it possible for one of the duo to be the Druid we’re searching for?

Why would Druid mark themselves for death indicates, so that eliminates PKR as suspect unless he’s cult.

Yee 3 PDs that means you can actually lend me some heals so I can heal Ashe

Noz and Frost both claimed PD. Dama claims carrier and to have successfully infected you last night. Dama is lying if you’re telling the truth.

I frigging told you so!

AND CLAIMED PD to Psychic!

Just because you claimed it, it doesn’t make it the truth.

So technically, Dama will die if he fails to infect next night.

I know. I’m just filling you in on what’s happened.

Dama SHOULD have been given a failure message when attempting to contaminate PKR. He said nothing of the sort. He said he infected him successfully.

@Marluxion I saw a post by you which is why I said that…
Please don’t hate me for this. However, I’m a Knight.

I just didn’t want to die.
I know knight isn’t as important.
But I have a good instinct and wanted to win this for BD.
Like Kyo, the only protective from the previous game, kept BD in the running.

Glad you asked, I visited Wolfy after all.


Ashe do you still want me to gaurd you?

Nothing means nothing happened to me.

I got no message about Wolfy if succeed or failed.