SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Your play style is how you choose to play no? You said you play by looking scummy at first, yet confirming later?

I’m pretty sure the first 2 are wrong.
1: Lynch Noz
2: Lynch inactives
3: Lynch scummy people
4: Lynch Host
5: Cry in a corner

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as everyone else so greatly pointed out , it means stilton cheese.

For me this is opposite :stuck_out_tongue:

You missed ‘Ignore Moley’ and ‘Lose the game’ there.


Almost everyone follows the Lynch you first thing.
You can not deny that

who was the first in the graveyard in sfol 12


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Oh. People failing to read sarcasm is that much of a problem? 0-0

except when it horribly backfires :stuck_out_tongue: I actually have an important class this time

In majority of games, Noz is D2 PL

Why soft that?

That wasn’t a soft.
That was pretty hard

0-my sanity

also remember to always doubt your bf, remember FoL5 ( i will never let you live that down)


Unless he is bsing us this time round to avoid said pl…

Be quiet you.
I’ll doubt myself before I doubt my precious babe

laugh tracks plays Babe is usually scum :wink:

guys i feel sick
o no

I doubt Noz is more important than me, so knights guard me plz

honestly I kinda have to do everything to avoid a PL.