SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)


/vote PKR

Also why the fuck would you ask for protection if you yourself were protecting someone anyway.

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You can’t even heal through sacrifice.

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So that same thing with Kyo that happened.
That I didn’t die before killing off scum

I’ve been thinking about it and I think you’re the cult leader and Agent is your acolyte. You’ve drawn town protectives off of town AS A TOWN PROTETIVE CLAIM. You wanted to be guarded when your purpose, according to you, WAS TO GUARD. You swapping claims confused me and I couldn’t understand why you wouldn’t stick with your first fake claim. Thinking about it, I think you realized that Dama would be killed tonight as the carrier regardless, and your entire case would fall down around you.

If I live today.
I’m likely to coldsteel Polik.
As they’re my top read for Druid and if I hit an immune and confirm it.
We’d win.

OH I see what you meant by sacrifice I’m a dummy.

Nope sacrifice doesn’t gets blocked by barrier as far as I’m aware

Claims non-knight, then PD, then Knight.

Do you need me to tell he’s evil?

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Your top read for DRUID? Why aren’t you trying to find and CS the cult leader before he can convert?!

There’s no leads to Cult.
All I know is that Ici isn’t BD.

/vote PKR

Oh yeah the no leads fallacy
Yeah the level of scum here is off the charts

Dama is 100% a liability. PKR may not be. It’s 95% chance he is, but 5% is too much of a risk at this stage.

5 votes on PKR

3 votes on Agent.

If we hang PKR and Jail/Exe Dama while Frost heals Ashe, we are in a good spot in terms of the plague. Unless nuclear started with it.

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I’m gonna point something else out.
If you guys think I’m Cult.
Why not imprison me and have Dama voted?
We can wait until the day after and see how many deaths there are.
That’d prove my innocence too, you know?

Exe dama tonight. Hunter bleeds agent.

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You could stop Cult from converting if I’m leader who failed N1

/vote pkr

lets get on the bandwagon.

but why bleed me? what does that proof Hippo?