SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

PKR wagon is a fairly obvious bus attempt, but considering that means he’s scum I’m okay with this

We have no way to occupy. You sure wolfing agent is a good idea instead of just hanging agent tommorow?


/vote PKR

facedesking intensifies even more

We will find out your class cuz you’ll be dead af obviously.

/vote PKR

Eight votes on PKR.

Hunter needs to wolf someone to confirm. I don’t have any other very likely scum he can wolf.

But whether I’m Cult or CW I’d still bleed.

I don’t see how this proofs anything.

ahem, my night plan category from my 2nd reads post maybe?

Oh yeah sure, two targets are BD and one cannot be killed normally.


I still think we get more info out of him wolfing Ici. Ici is immune to it, but it confirms both of them to us SO PEOPLE CAN STOP ACCUSING ICI FOR NO REASON.

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Wait, is Marl agreeing with my plan? :thinking:

Majority is 9 btw guys. Need one more vote

The ONLY reason I’m against Agent being wolfed instead of killed otherwise is because I believe Agent will be able to convert the same night he would die. Also as I’m reading agent as scum, he might lie about the wolf in an attempt to get us to mislynch Vulgard.

I don’t want the cult to be able to convert. I want you to die quicker than a wolf can do the job.


The wolf suggestions so far

Please try to narrow it down.

Now this, this is townthinking. Marl, you might start turning my scumread around on you now OwO


Stop. You won’t pocket me. There’s no point in pocketing me when everyone is reading me as scum.