SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)


He said he tried pushing Noz for the tenth time.

He hasn’t once!

This is literally his only scummy post

And it’s not even that scummy

Either way, SuperJack didn’t kill Marl.

Stop it at once.

Marl was killed by the Plague. It is the literal only conclusion from my perspective.
You don’t have to bellieve it, but I am certain that is what happened.

Not saying he is.

Unless he was CL and the fact he was jailed meant je couldn’t make a kill!

Frost just cure vulgard and let me die I’m done. He beaded so he’s town. When I flip BD let this be a lesson go you all.

/hippo awayyyyyyyy

We don’t have eradicate here Frost.

For Cult to kill, they need to kill one of their members as well.

You know what I am talking about

With that said:

/vote Wolfy (for execution)

This is scum

It doesn’t matter

Super just essentially said they’re scum by saying they were pushing Noz when they haven’t once

Here’s how I think things should go at the moment.

Lynch SuperJack. Still hasn’t claimed, acting scummy.

I jail and execute Noz.
Vulgard uses wolf on Hippo. If Hippo is still physician, he can’t be killed by wolf, confirming him. However as cult, he would begin to bleed.
Frost cures Vulgard of the plague.

Ashe, what would you say to thay

Have you not read the game?

Seriously, go isolate my posts, analyse them and come back with your tail inetween your legs and tell everyone your conclusion.

We are not lynching SuperJack today

Lynch Pool: Wolfy/Noz

I have read the game

You’re going on stand today for not claiming.

How about you prepare for your defence after my coronation

Just claim and get it over with Super before I scumread you

Super, please stop trying to misdirect. Claim now if you value your life essentially.

Ici, I get that suddenly you’ve decided to deathtunnel Wolfy for reasons unknown, but you’re misguided. We should be going for the unclaimed person out of a pool of 2 possible converts.

You know damn well that NozBugz get executed by Ashe.