SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Even though your plan involves me dying, it’s better than mine in retrospect. I’m on board.

I found that out the hard way when Orange took away my confirmed cw win

Can we just acknowledge how shit it is to be converted to a losing scum team?

Yeah the thing is that that’s what scum does
But you’re town mole, you should know better than this

You gotta be kidding me. Moleland claimed Paladin day 1. How is there any doubt about him being BD?

I trust Mole on this, despite this.

I’m still betting that Super os scum ici

I don’t make bets with cultsts

prays to Atua

WE PRAISE ATUA. Keep praising Atua in my death Ici

There’s two ways of controlling a zombie infection. Kill all the zombies, or nuke the place until everyone dies.

If one zombie slips through, more people become infected, until the zombies take over. It everyone dies… then zombies die. Better to die unfairly, as a human, than die a zombie.

There are no bonus points for winning with more people alive - it’s a win or a loss.

Alternatively we could lynch wolfy
Secondly, what if we don’t fnd any cultists from this? Then you’ve brought a cult victory closer for no benefit

You know, at this point I wish Icibalus would execute me, because I’ve had enough of him and his logic.

There are too many bd left for cult to win, lol.

I’m sorry that my logic is correct
And yes I am starting to get egotistical and cocky

No way that’s happening Ici.

I really think that you’re starting to side with the Cult. Noz has been confirmed esstially, yet you are still trying to convince us that Jack is town without you providing any evidence to support that you are right.

All your arguments for why he is scum hinge on him not claiming, when he explained why he didn’t. He was baiting attacks, that’s all.

Now you’re simply stating that you doubt his squire claim over and over again because it’s a scum claim. Last time I used that kind of logic was when I was scorned on Noz lol

Just accept that free Blue Dragon win.

Super either confirms himself as Squire by being co-operative now, or he will confirm themselve as scum by refusing to follow the sugesstion when BD is already having a guaranteed win, and if they do that…

Then we will lynch super here and now.

We don’t know if squire blocks Hunter arrows.
Witness my foot

Squire is only NIGHT immune. My arrow can’t be blocked by anything.

But now he is essentially saying that he may think about refusing to get hi,self confirmed. After all, it would be in his best interest to get himself confirmed now by following this plan since scum then would have to be Hippo, Frost, or me.

But only if they happened to flip Squire