SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

inb4 I have the plague and anyone I use debt on instead just recieves the gift of death.


Means f all around here.

Any scum king now can claim they use debt and people will be skeptical. We need to keep checks on the King as well around here to make sure they don’t have too much power in this governent of Adiart.

But I didn’t even know debt existed until I got my class card :smile:
jk that’s a lie but i’m legitimately a good king
Hopefully I can find a way to prove myself by d4

I believe you all the way to victory town(!)


I did read about Noz, Wolfy.

He’s lot of BS.

And we’re not even playing with bastard classes.

@Marluxion we already said what you’re doing.
You’re guarding @Moleland
And some TPs at least are on me.
Maybe an observer too.
As Ici throwing suspicion on me already is making me think he’s trying to set up for me to be ‘Checked as Scum’ quickly

I got Princess before I got converted N1 at SFoL12, because why not.

PKR you always ask to have TPs on you literally regardless of your class.

TPs guard who you personally read as town, although it is a good idea for someone to be on noz and probably Mole as they have both claimed important classes.

Don’t feel like you have to guard against random guy just because he keeps repeating that you have to. I’m sure you are all clever enough to use your own discretion on who to protect.

Yes, we have already made plans :wink:

I will straight away fully disagree with you.
TPs shouldn’t be on Mole.
It’s already been agreed for there to be no protectives on Noz either.
I don’t see how you’re trying to get one over me here Hip. But it’s not happening

Because I get tired of you trying to be the centre every game. There’s no reason for protectives to be on you whatsoever you just want them for so you personally stay alive.

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“agreed”. no. You just said it 5 times and then assumed everyone just agrees with you.

I normally lead and contribute a lot.
If you don’t like how I play then that’s nice.
However, I am typically either converted quickly or attacked quickly.
Take my 1 game I’ve been good in recently.
Maid, died N1.

Do the previous games really matter though

Plus, if Mole and Noz are what they claim… there probably should be at least one protective targeting them somehow

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Previous games matter a ton when it comes to scumreading based on actions. Which is why all of us new folk are at a decent disadvantage (assuming all new folks are bd like me, which is probably wrong)

I’m of the opinion that changing your strategy every game makes you more unpredictable and thus more effective

The game is most fun when everyone is allowed to contribute and play their best, and this relies on them making their own decisions. You just want to play “lord PKR simulator” where you boss everyone around, which is the wrong ideology to have going in to a TEAM based game.

@Hippolytus if you don’t want to listen to me.
Listen to the Factional hardcounter

It was also agreed by Mole and myself that there’s no point in anything but an observer being on Noz