SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

So Frost what do you have to say now?
My points about the carrier are valid, are they not?

You expect to believe he need to visit the first night before starting at Night 3 again.

You are still ignoring me like they wouldn’t run into first two infected people and them visiting someone else, the lesser infected we have by Day 2, the better.

Ok, right now with things I’m reading…

Noz could be infected one, wishing to get tp on them and infecting them.

As well as that, Frost could be as well by the way his playing.

Except you are wrong, no one knows who’s infected until Day 2.

I believe I’m talking to a brick wall with Frost
So with your permission I’d like to request to ignore them
His points are invalidated easily and I believe what I’ve said is at least accurate.

Nobody is protecting Noz this game at all babe.
Please read my posts <3

Reading is fun frost

I’m saying that you are are the infected!

He could be the carrier

Whelp, can someone smack Wolfy’s head?

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Wolfy’s logic > Frost’s


You’re acting as scum fuck yet again

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At day 1?


Also Marl, Nuclear is obviously requesting to be cannon fodder too.

No one is counterclaiming Plague doctor though so that makes me think that he’s our one.
Yes, I know there can be more than one, but still.

@Ashe @SuperJack @NuclearBurrito @Damafaud have been pretty quiet though so i’d like to hear some of their thoughts on this whole ‘to visit or not to visit’ situation. :wink:


Eevee’s game me thinks? You started acting as scum from day 1

How is that supposed to be impossible exactly?

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There’s probably more than one.

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Oh shit speak of the devil

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Always visit. There are plague doctors that start BD and cannot be cured and if we sit around and do nothing then the unseen/cult are less likely to die at any moment.

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My thanks Nuclear for your opinion :slight_smile: