SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

If your night action was sent in the day I’m not counting it FYI

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Note: Starting with the plague means you’ll be told on Night 2, and die on Night 3

Realised I hadn’t clarified


Day incoming

Day 2 Begins, nobody died

No Message means you Slept Peacefully

Well, I slept peacefully then.

And no one died.


Ok I have a lead.

@Icibalus claim



Feel like there was nothing productive that happened. And the lack of deaths support the notion that is Cult still

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Can you clarify the order of this Boopy?
Like what happens with the infection at each stage?

BTW could I have your claim too?

I’ll make my claim once @Icibalus does.

Mine? You want 2 people’s claims?
May I make a guess why?
You’re either Maid or Observer.

You are correct. Again I want Ici’s claim before I elaborate. Your claim would help too obvi but feel free to just soft something if you don’t trust me.

I’ve already claimed important.

All roles important. Because they are run by the most important part of the game, a player.


Triggered!!! It’s classes. Roles are things that can be performed :thonk:

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@NuclearBurrito you seem to be in some serious role hunting here.
