SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

I might be accusing someone depending on what they say. So yes I am.

We are all actors no? We are given a ROLE to play.

We are given more than one role in the form of a class btw.

the actions are our roles

the action set is our class.

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Oh, is this how it’s done here? Generally I see scum hunting mostly done by evaluating their past posts and pushing them.

Guess what, I’m going to say role all the time.
Same reason why it’s the boot of the car, and nappies.

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And the issue is the other way around, you may revolve your accusation around what they say.

SP, cured hippo, don’t know if he had the plague

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So soon?


Claims Day 2 commence.

He already claimed before.
As did Paladin

And they aren’t dead? Scum must be taking a break.

@NuclearBurrito I just really dislike the way you are attempting to push @Icibalus I have a D1 town lean on him.

Usually it’s done like that. I’m just seeing if what he has to say matches up with what I found with my class. If it does then there is no reason to further push anyone.

That’s also why I am waiting to say what it is I found exactly. I don’t want to tell him what he needs to say to avoid my suspicion.

I don’t need a TP, I’m something everyone needs and without me no plague can be cured. Unless there is another PD

Through scum reading alone I only have a null read on him. That’s why I am not trying to accuse him outright or something.

/vote NozBugz

Honestly, open claiming PD without pressure is what I would do as scum. It stops giving majority of roles a reason to visit you, protecting you from Night Actions.

Along with that, it makes any future PD claim seem incredibly scummy.

Im going to prod and poke you. Find your your morality.

Mole can invest me if he really Pally, he’ll get a BD result. and even if he gets a cult result it isn’t worth it as I really could be Quack.

If you have nothing to hide, let the TIs do their work on you to clear you

I could check him given my Invest claim (if I haven’t already claimed invest then now I have.)

Did you just say:
“Well he could check me out, and even if I come up scum, you shouldn’t kill me”?

Yes, if I am the only PD I really shouldn’t be lynched.