SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

I didn’t think PKR was softing prince, like I said he’s gonna claim CW or some dumbass class.

I didn’t realise alch was immune but that works too lol

That’s true. And another reason I believe Ici’s Alchemist claim is because Prince can Kill when jailing N1. It’s super risky openly claiming Neut when a prince can easily eliminate you.

Shouldn’t we speed things up and vote Cheesy faster?

There are many things to confirm.

Could be. I assumed he wasn’t something like that because he said he was “Important BD”. Regardless, he’s definately coming off as BD to me right now.

Probably. Voting him up faster might not get a response out of him faster, though.

He claimed important BD to get protection like he always begs for :roll_eyes:. Regardless, he does seem towny for now, or at least he hasn’t done anything suspicious in my eyes.

Also there’s no reason to vote cheesy yet. We have like 5 days and the longer we discuss the more posts we have to find scum.

I imagine cheesy is gonna claim before he’s voted up if he’s BD, and we can decide from there if we lynch.

Inb4 he mysteriously says “I claim power class” so we all just move off him instantly as thats apparently what were doing this game.

My reads;

Ashe - Town
Damafaud - Slight scum, ONLY because he hinted at having info but isn’t doing anything with it. As was said last game, it’s like putting a target on your head. Could also be trying to bait as hunter.
PolikShadowbliss - Null, I don’t know how to read Polik yet. He also hasn’t said much.
Vulgard - Town
Icibalus - I believe his alchemist claim. If he becomes a problem, the prince can always take him out risk-free. (No, I won’t WIFOM just because he accused me because an alchemist can help carry the BD.)
Agent - Scummy. I didn’t like any of his interactions, he hasn’t done anything to contribute to town yet and I would very much like him to be checked by SOMEONE. Be it Mole or Burrito.
Hippolytus - Town
PokemonKidRyan - Town, so far he’s been playing town and hasn’t been doing anything ridiculous like last game.
Wolfy - Town, actually trying to contribute to discussion.
3DT_CheesyKnives - Scum. This is primarily based on a gut read, but it’s a strong gut read (if that makes sense.) I want a hard claim from him today.
Frostwolf103 - Town, regardless of his interactions with PKR yesterday. He might not stay town for long because he specifically said he was “Convertible town” but still.
NuclearBurrito - Town, obviously. Anyone reading Burrito as scum is doing it wrong.
SuperJack - Town, pushing on people and trying to get info is a TOWN PLAY. I just didn’t like how he was pushing on specifically Noz which is why I tried to intervene.
NozBugz - Town, but will likely be converted if we don’t hang a cult today / tommorow (Since he doesn’t count towards the limit, as i’ve said.)
Marluxion - Is that a good king or is that just me?
Moleland - Hands off my paladin, culties.

Why did I say WIFOM instead of OMGUS
someone kill me now


Why do you read Ashe as town.

This. I don’t read this as something a cult would say. I think if Ashe were cult she would try much harder to dump suspicion elsewhere, instead of justifying the suspicion I had on her earier.

It’s not a very good reason, but that’s the reason.

Regarding the reads, Marluxion.

What if Noz is Acolyte and decide to disguise as PD and someone on their team claim PD as well? As much this is stupid move, ignoring isn’t good either.

I could see it happening, but the fact that no one else has claimed PD yet makes me believe that Noz is our only one.

Perhaps they dont want to risk themselves getting converted.

If there even is another PD, I mean.

BTW, @Moleland Were you attacked last night or nah? (Does king recieve feedback if his guarded target is attacked? I’m assuming no)

If the person you guarded are attacked, well…should I spoil now? Or just wait for Moleland himself to answer that question?