SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

NK being Electrocutioner would explain the lack of deaths, btw

Oh shit, the Zappy Boi.

In this sfol it would actually be really dangerous



I said I know something is because of I only know the class but not who has it.

If It’s The Electrocutioner, Nuclear is super boned. He’s gonna get charged faster than my 3DS hooked up to a coal generator.


Nuclear could actually be the worst thing in this game if he’s both charged and has the plague

I see. Do you mind elaborating or does it require you to out yourself to do so?

This still leaves for the missing third neutral is Ici is actually legit alchemist and potential send plague to prince.

But Marl, if it was possible for electrocutioner to charge themselves than yeah ICI is the NK.

But I don’t see this happening.

Hmmmm? Electro is always charged due to his passive.
“Electric Discharge (Passive) - You are permanently charged”

It doesn’t. But this is the first time I have received this so I don’t know what to do .-.

Tell us! You’ve got the missing evidence that we need!

I’m leaning NK being Electro/Inactive Druid

Inactive Druid would be odd IMO

Wouldn’t be inactive, druid has to send vines to player’s rooms first. So that’d make sense too.

/vote cheesy

I’m getting the same gut read.

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I talked to Psychic last night

Oh. I see. That’s not the decisive piece of evidence!
But that does confirm we have a psychic in our game. Thanks


Because of College and D&D, this game is gonna be a little more difficult to me

If anyone wants to be a magical voting gremlin to count the votes, that’d be swell