SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Read my suggestion. It doesn’t even involve that mechanic.

Does anyone object to forcing cheese to Lv1 until he claims, and if no claim, we push and exe?

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In anycase I’ll probably make a post somewhere else for that.

Same, I’ve got some really interesting class ideas I’d like to propose for FOL. Elsewhere, though.

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^^ is it because I’m being mean? :stuck_out_tongue:
Ate you saying you are reading me as asshole town? XD or logical scum?

“It’s better to be feared than loved”

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@Ami why did you say you cured me, someone who you say you have a nullread on, over one of your town reads.

Perhaps you became a null read for him today, not yesterday

@Ami ALSO. Did you SUCCESSFULLY Cure Hippo? Or was it not required? This is important info.

Well no shit, his accident?

Reading up, if you have any questions reply to this post with them.

Also I’d prefer if we actually focused on scumreading rather than mechanical discussion

Well now that I said that Maid was converted as a joke I’m starting to believe it might be the truth, but we should vote Cheesy first. Unless he claims beforehand.

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Voting Cheesy is bad
Vulgard feels like they are happy with letting it be a mislynch, so HAVE A SCUMREAD!

That sounds kinda sus of you to say that Ici…

Apparently anyone is bad vote.

Just for the record. I’m not sure how you would go about testing if I am converted or not. I am not sure how cult points work but if its how I think it is then I should be able to have all of my current ability’s even if converted.

BTW I used my day ability because no one is claiming and I tend to die early for some reason.


What’s your plan now that Nuclear likely infected you? :smirk:

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I guess the paladin could check me

I really can’t take this sentence seriously anymore Marl xD

Who’d you use it on? And the results?