SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Oh deary me…

Well firstly, you may have accidentally walked into a game with conversion, every role having at least 2 abilities and a mechanic involving a public role that has a weird election afterwards.
Trust us, it does work, but it’ll take quite a few posts to explain.

It’s day 1.
A day mostly of memes.
Just contribute when you get back.

I’ve just finished school so I’ve only just came online


Hey, why’re you voting me?
I did nothing wrong.
/Vote Noz
Scumclaim Bois, lets go!

Ici=The Bagel

Okay, so there are 4 main factions in the game, but 3 are in play at any time.

The Blue Dragon
The Unseen
The Cult

The Blue Dragon are the town of this game. They work as any other town, and win if they eliminate the Unseen, the Cult and any hostile Neutrals.

Either the Unseen and the Cult are in play at any one time. They are both factions with the ability to both kill and convert, but each have different mechanics.

The Unseen have two main classes: The Mastermind and The Assassin. The Mastermind may convert every other night, and the Assassin is responsible for killing. They have other abilities, but I’m afraid you have homework to do there. Every BD class that is convertable has a unique Unseen class that they will become after being converted.

I don’t know how the Cult work in FoL, someone else better talk about that, but they do work differently.

Neutrals are neutrals, they have different mechanics depending on their class, and different wincons.


I identify as a bagel too.
A hope bagel

Cult are a hot mess to explain, basically there is the Cult Leader and Acolyte, the cl sacrifices cult members to kill while the acolyte can kill twice. Lets not talk about cult points untill it maters mkk?

#BagelLivesMatter(and jelly too)

Also SuperJack I’m the resident VI who can somehow clutch a game

An important aspect is The King.

There is usually a King in game, who is permanently announced, but he has a random alignment. After the King dies, an election takes place. In this election, people may step up to become King, however players with the passive Royal Blood have priority in this. Then, everyone votes on one player to become the new king, their King alignment is the same as their previous one.

Which are very important, after all the American president was elected by memes.
I’ll contribute whenever I deem fit thank you ^^

eye twitches

We don’t have a lynch today btw.
I recommend you read this entire thread:


This will give you a much better understanding of the game.

@NuclearBurrito The Plague Doctor got nothing against this Aircraft Carrier

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so have fun mk?

Oh wait lol I changed my mind Noz is my N1 shot sorry for being so inadequate.

I am also a noob to FoL
Not to ToL
But to FoL

but u knew that

I actually have a useful class this time thank you veyr much