SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Plus if we wait then we will know for sure that Wolfie is scum or not.

I don’t quite understand this plan the way you worded it. “We will make him vote you first if he lies.” If he lies about Alch, he will die to wolf…

That’s your plan I’m talking about.

Well lets assume you wolf him tonight and everything goes fine.

If he says you din’t wolf him we would lynch you correct? But we will make Ici go first in case he is lying. No alch in their right mind would lie as that is straight against their wincon. So Ici has no reason to lie. As I said before win/win. Or somebody is lying about their class and will die lul.

and with go first I mean vote you up first.

That makes sense. I’m game.

Sorry if I did anything stupid (presumably lots of things), it’s my first FoL after all.

Dw you haven’t done anything stupid at all you’re doing good.

Now that I think about it, what reason did Marl have to instantly vote me after Cheesy claimed Psychic? I did say I could easily confirm myself at night.

@Marluxion I’m curious.

It was my suggestion to do that tbf. I believe you now but you have a few scummy posts early on that I noticed, and ici presented a very convincing argument.

By the way, this is not cover:

Wolfy is not covered in vines.

Is everyone okay with me shitposting for a bit?

We’re wasting time, NozBugz.

I mean you may aswell claim observer and say your results now (unless you saw prince in which case pls pls don’t).

Good guess but no, all I can say I visited Wolfy last night and didn’t prevented me.

So you are also claiming princess. Gr8. Last game both assassins claimed princess.

Did you guess my gender?


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Only invests are told if their target is covered in vines, not anyone who targets them…