SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

I’d be OK with polik TBH, always cult when I’m pally

We’re not voting Wolf.
Considering I’m a fairly global townread.
I don’t need to really say this but I claim one of the ???s on the list


I’m not Druid I’m Carrier


Don’t vote wolfy up, you damn dirty apes. We can prove he’s princess tommorow.
Also, Dama… Who’d you infect?


But I claimed something different to Psychic so if Cheese is psychic he better know what I claimed

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Currently 3 Votes for Ici and 4 Votes for Wolfy.
I’d rather hang someone we don’t have a claim from today. Odds are we’re hitting an evil.

Going to vote for the person I most want a claim from, and the least likely to give it without pressure.

/Vote SuperJack

Dama is a safe execute, Prince

Executing Dama could change this from an SFOL to a normal round of FoL pretty quickly.
I think we can use Dama to benefit us, though.

Holy shit woke me disagrees with like half of tired me’s reads.

I just notice that


You aren’t the NK/Cult, so I don’t care if you’re alive for now. Just don’t infect people every day, mkay?

He has to or he dies. As long as PD can keep him under check.

However, he doesn’t need to tonight, so he’s fine

I’m not infecting anyone aaaaaaaaaaa

He doesn’t need to every night. Just once every two.

Readings fun Marl :smirk_cat:

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We have a couple of safe people to infect. Like Ici. Who gives a fuck if an alchemist gets infected?

I won’t infect Ici.

He’ll crimson me if I do .-.

Emerald, but you should be fine

Also Marl, I’d appriciate a heal or someone to guard me if you can make them as i think the hunter’s still gonna wolf me