SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

HEY @Vulgard . Your king requests you wolf someone else that we don’t have a claim from tonight.

We can prove wolfy in other ways tommorow.

You’ll have to ask elsewhere for protection. I’m not going to take my shields off of Mole. Also, I can’t force people to do anything, apparently people still think i’m an evil king for wanting Noz alive.

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Understandable there. Just hoping that the Hunter is not as stupid and wastes his wolf on me considering I’m as good as a class to keep alive if necessary to take your place if required and I still have to look for the druid.

If I manage to do that, I’ll be happy

@Damafaud Infect Noz. He claimed plague doctor so if he is telling the truth then both you and him will be fine.

@Jazz are people contagious the night they are infected?

If they are then Me and PKR need cures. I suggest that if there are any PD’s that they cure me and Noz cures PRK

Wolfing you would be a bad idea.

Just wisp and you will be fine if your worried about dying.

I’ll check you tomorrow so there is no point in Wolfing you tonight.

That’s not how that works. Dama has to SUCCESSFULLY infect someone.

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Does he? Well he should do it anyways in case he’s fake claiming.

Want to know something?

Even if you vote me up, I won’t reveal my role. Not from a train directed by scum, using a vote on their “town read” for the soul purpose of TPR hunting.

I will reveal my role, when and if the time is right. That will not change no matter the pressure you put on me.

I’m surprised you don’t even know what my role is after today,

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So let’s exe you then. I think you’re scum and just haven’t figured out a good fake claim for your class yet.

Flip flop with your reads mr Scum. It’s no good. I have no need of a fake claim. If and when I claim, it will be obvious and clear, but for now the WIFOM is needed,

So you’d like a night to discuss it with the buddies in the cult discord then? I see.

One second, let me just check… Oh It seems you could go slap yourself with an outdated lamas ballsack thats been dipped into sour milk produced by a 47 year old Hungarian grandmother thats recently passed their apprenticeship in boat mechanics.

Come back when you’ve learnt to scumhunt.

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I’ve found scum, thanks. I won’t be looked down upon just because you’re a cocky bastard who thinks they’ve come from a superior environment.

I also won’t rescind until you’ve given your bullshit fake claim.

Can I infect him

If for some reason people aren’t smart enough to vote him up and exe him today, Sure.

My environment is not at all superior thank you very much. How dare you claim such a thing.

You are 100% welcome to try. In fact, do it.

Are you trying to soft plague doctor now?

Are you trying to soft a mouldy enlarged ducks feet, dipped in a honey created by mutant bee’s that have the ability to speak Canadian.

This is scum stalling in my eyes.
/vote SuperJack