SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

For the last time, It wasn’t a policy lynch. I never intended to kill cheese. I wanted to force a claim.

Btw Scum King, your delayed OMGUS isa pitiful play. Shame you are protected by OP lynch protection, and is a target for sheep and suckups due to your extra voting ability and lynch stopping power.

I will sleep.

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I wanted to force a claim on cheese, just like I want to force a claim out of you.

@Marluxion I don’t agree with all those reads by @SuperJack, but I don’t think they are scum.

/Vote Polik

What should we do with Dama (Claims Carrier)

  • Lynch Him
  • Have Prince Execute Him
  • Use Him
  • Ignore Him

0 voters

Why? Are you trying to imply that a skilled mafia player wouldn’t have reads, even as scum?

There is no question that Jack knows what they’re doing. I won’t rescind until I have a hard claim from them.

I want a claim out of Polik as well, but Jack has said they will refuse to claim, even when put up. What class would logically do this? Fool and Scum are the only two that come to mind, and fool isn’t in play.

Here below, you will find the Scum King claiming an incredible amount of scum read on cheesy.
The whole claim being based on TWO WORDS (slept peacefully), followed by a time of no posts.
This is basically a policy lynch, pushed under the false ideals of a scum lynch.

You also admit the reason for the train is “good things can come of us pushing on him.”
This, isn’t about a role claim, thats about your fake scum read being a potential discussion wagon.
Which it was not.

And when I pushed back your stupid train, you now claim its cause u want role claims (which is also very scummy, knowing roles gives scum more advantage than town. If it was benifiction to town, role claim wone be done along with the /comfirm post

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Nice ignoring every single post in which I said I didn’t necessarily want cheese hung, just wanted a claim.

Good scum tactic.

Truth be truth, I’m not going to do as my highest scum read says.



Neutral Killing, with an ability that is chaotic, needs to go.

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/vote Damafaud

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There is no downside to claiming unless you are prince. There are conversion targets aplenty now, alongside kill targets.

Says the person who moans about roles not counting towards penalty of conversions.


It stops town from dying. I call that a positive.

Scum would want a killing role to live.

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I’d rather use our lynch on someone not a safe exe for the Prince - what are the odds of Prince actually jailing a scum tonight anyway? I think they should kill Dama

Is Prince comfirmed?

It also stops scum from dying.


Prince is 100% spawn chance in every game yes