SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Ici has to Choose to kill. Ici can do nothing - Dama has to spread disease

I’m pretty sure she said you aren’t infectious the night you are infected

That’s a fair argument. But if Ici sees that he has the plague tonight, he’s likely to bomb. There’s a 1/8 chance that that happens. (Assuming Ici visited no one and no one visited Ici.) If you want to kill Dama, i repeat; Why not have vulgard wolf him? It will prove Vulgard at the same time.

We know at least two non-carriers are infected. If PKR wasn’t already one of them, we are looking at 3 infected people AT least.

So 1/5 (3/15) chances that Ici started infected.

EVEN more than that, actually. Since nuclear visited Ici and could have started with it as well. We also know Hippo wasn’t one of the starting infected from Noz’s results.


@Ami So definitely heal PKR tonight then.

I’m sorry for the lack of activity. I was reading the posts.

All your doing is talking yourself into being yolo bombed by Ici, regardless if infected or not. If he yolo bombs you and you are BD, he doesn’t get healed and dies.

Don’t forget, alch can heal as well as kill

I’m aware. But he did explicitly state that we wouldn’t like it if he finds out he’s infected.

Still, if he wants to be healed of plague and have a shot at winning, he won’t yolo bomb

Can you make an updated Poll to include the option of wolfing Dama?

Wolfing is too slow. He can infect 2 people before dying. Prince stops anyone else being infected

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Might I ask? Why are we trusting the Carrier?

His whole goal is to infect people with the plague.

Isn’t that a little counterproductive?

His whole goal is to survive.

Well, actually his goal is to survive to the end of the game

Yes, I am aware of this.

But he has to infect someone or die.

Are we regulating who he infects?

I see it as an opportunity to use it against the cult/druid. (since nothing can stop a death via plague)

Others see it more practically, in that it’ll likely lead to everyone dying horribly.

I’ll admit, i’m a disgusting optimist, and i’m pretty sure I’m the only one who’s #DamaLivesMatter besides Dama himself.

So I wouldn’t go as far as to say people are trusting him.

The point is, even if he infects scum, the scum can run around spreading the plague too