SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

We aren’t hanging wolfy, we’re getting claims from the last 5 people who haven’t hardclaimed yet.


Also yea we are hanging wolfy because he’s scum.

Last I checked, I’m the king around here and you’re cold steel fodder.


Also If you’re legitimately reading my actions this day as scum, you’re going to be misreading me a lot. Because this is my standard BD play.

Albeit, circumstances were special because i wanted to protect Noz due to the special rules, yada yada yada.

Self-meta is added to your scumtell list.

But… It’s self awareness! I always play like this!

Well, once my card flips you’ll see. Hopefully we don’t have to go through this every game we’re both town.

Nice AtE lol

I’m not trying to AtE; I’m probably dead tonight. I’m thinking realistically.
I don’t need to prove anything about myself, I’ll likely be dead before hanging me even becomes relevant.

There’s no point in us bickering though. I understand your scum read because of a misplay (yes it was a misplay) I made earlier. If I get hung for it, it’s my own fault.

Also, I think the massclaim is a good play; Discuss.

As previously elucidated King not being votable until D4 in FoL is stupid


I agree. I personally think Jammy should have made a poll (simillar to Brax) to decide if you can hang the king D3, D4 or immediately upon D2.

Now, that DOESN’T Mean I’m not gonna flaunt this immunity while I have it. It’s to the benefit of me, even if it’s stupid as hell. Can’t fairly change a decided rule midgame :wink:

By the way Marl what you did there WAS Appeal To Emotion.
That’s effectively threatening us with the possibility of our reads being wrong.
it’s a pity they aren’t but :man_shrugging:

Well, I don’t even need to appeal anything to you. As I said, you’re a glorified knight target dummy.

Iciballer my man assuming jailing Dama doesn’t give me the plague you should protecc me and we can be best buddies forever

I take out your biggest concern and you prevent cult from damaging my beautiful face ya know

With 3-shot active night immunity, a 2-shot vig and an infinite shot heal and also one of literally two points of sanity in the ggame.

Can we just agree we notice lack of BD offensive?

I get feeling that PKR is your bastard brother, Drunk.

Frost what class do you be

Fine, I will.
However, I demand that PD heal me tommorow if I find I have the plague in exchange for me healing you.

Hmm. Drunk… Dumb as hell to protect, Royal Blood, yeah seems to check out.