SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

The message directly preceding it was a good indicator :stuck_out_tongue:

I did? Didn’t notice…


Right, I see it.

Wouldn’t a sheriff have spoken up though?

I said I soulread it
I never said I believed it

I know, just gotta point out the obvious. :wink:
It’d be a sick assassin play though.

In the ideal world where people make risky plays :stuck_out_tongue:

Time for a risky play, quick everyone vote up Ashe so I can force pardon! /s


It’s risky but I think it just might get me townread!

whispers in your ear

This isn’t how politics work in the castle. You can either vote twice or false execute/pardon.

I’m the checks and balances to you while my brother just imprisons people

And PKR being possible bastard uncle, Wolfy.

Like born from different mother but same father, who happens to be I don’t know, grandmother of maid?

But one thing is for sure: Wolfy can’t get converted.

Nuclear, PKR and Icibalus are reported to be infected, but there might be two different infected if one of these three weren’t already selected.

Who did you send guard, Moleland? Okay. Hunter didn’t do anything and Psychic is fine since it didn’t count as visit, unless he’s pre-selected, may as well Ashe or Wolfy.

So that’s eight potential sick people and none from the unclaimed.

Because of Wisp, right?

I thought he’s jailed?

Ici/Nuclear aren’t confirmed.


Random meme showing my dillema in this game

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Oh, i thought you meant like EVEN IN THE FUTURE, Wolfy can’t be converted.

True but I said since PKR is the first person to get infected by carrier, that passes on Nuclear and Ici.