SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

That’s possible. If you were cult, would you convert Polik n1? Because he seems like one of my top 3 convert choices. He wasn’t drawing a ton of attention to himself d1.

Is he really though Ashe? :thinking:

We’re giveing druid a reason to Frame him if he is Priest

Me and Burrito are gonna have to wifom then and pray we get lucky

A druid find wouldn’t be surprising, but a cult find however would be.

Jack is the only person who hasn’t claimed

Ok then.

As when it comes to night, me and burrito will do whatever, so we don;t givea chance for anyframes to happen, since Cult could use Brotherhood (if they have it?)

Yesterday, I’m not sure if anyone saw it, but Polik was encouraging mole to check him. This leads me to believe that he isn’t likely to be cult, or alternatively, the cult has a ritualist and he isn’t afraid because he can be tailored.

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And Hippo hasn’t either

It’s a day ability for ritualist.

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I thought so.

I was relying on memory before checking the card to reaffirm

Cult starts with CL/Acolyte so couldn’t have a Ritualist before n1.

But if they have a successful convert, what makes them say they won’t use it now?

/vote Polik

This is good for pressure in any case

That’s if they managed to get the ritualist…

Which can be from Priest surely?

Ritualist comes from Priest, yes.

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Good memory there then… :neutral_face:

Nah I have the class cards open in another tab permanently.

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I know. When I say yesterday, I meant IRL yesterday. Not in game.

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Ashe - Alive - Prince
Damafaud - Alive - Carrier
PolikShadowbliss - Alive - Priest
Vulgard - Alive - Hunter
Icibalus - Alive - Alchemist
AgentBoiiiiiiii - Alive -
Hippolytus - Alive -
PokemonKidRyan - Alive - PD
Wolfy - Alive - Princess
3DT_CheesyKnives - Alive - Psychic
Frostwolf103 - Alive - PD
NuclearBurrito - Alive - Maid
SuperJack - Alive -
NozBugz - Alive - PD
Marluxion - King - Alive
Moleland - Alive - Paladin

Cult Leader, Acolyte, Druid, ???

I was hoping someone claim PD by accident, PKR himself said that no one should visit NozBugz and I have my intuition kicking in that Noz is still free convert, so should Moleland be telling truth that Polik isn’t cult right away but I tell you that we got way too many Supports and no BD Offensive at all.

No reason to deflect power classes, Dama claimed PD and then Carrier, claimed to visited PKR and if that’s the truth then he shouldn’t be affected at all. PKR claimed PD but didn’t say who he visited. Uh uh…

Polik is inactive as usual and with no deaths, we can’t prove what the dead are chatting or his blessing (Did he do that immediately to Mole D1?)

Vulgard did almost one stupid thing, but if he’s telling the truth then he should be the only killer type left next to Prince, so sorry PKR.

Icibalus, well, Pretty much you can push about everyone who want decent contribution but that’s nowhere Druid should risk it, but that’s just me since I did the same before.

AgentBoin still have posts to catch up, if lucky he’s the acolyte, no debate.

Hippolytus seems BD at first, either him or AgentBoin is the missing Offensive if RNG allowed it. As for his discussions, I think it’s valid enough that he seems to be contributing.

Wolfy may have fishy claim and couldn’t do anything first night and can be exposed easily with Maid.

Cheesy may not have contributed much but I hope he doesn’t waste the day ability today but probably by D4 if he still can.

Nuclear may be telling the truth with two visits and if PKR is truly PD then this infection won’t reach him which we find out by tomorrow, if not then we know he lied.

He’s being very defensive by not letting his claim go, I’d give him null for now.

Noz…I hope you didn’t goofed up.

@Icibalus Are you opposed to stoneskinning tonight?