SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

That’s true, and as I said, it is 50/50 there.

Actually now thinking about it, no, it would have not been so beneficial to barrier the Paladin since we don’t know if there’s Butler, Drunk, etc…

Absolutely not. No Blue Dragon would EVER occupy Mole n1 after he claimed Paladin uncontested. The cult doesn’t start with an invoker. Fool isn’t in play.


Reading is fun marl, you should try it!

Also who else should I have barriered? Roll a dice and hope I counter the cult convert?

To be honest, yeah…

Might have been better

Reading is fun agent, you should check out my last post.

Noz, who literally claimed a convertable important class in a very obvious fashion?


Get off the comouter for God’s sake :roll_eyes:


I… uh…

I stand defeated :Kappa:

I’m a super-AI designed for playing FM and that’s it
I am simply going easy on you to keep my incredible scumreading talents hidden from the world until they are required to save it

You stand as scum.

Yet you still got defeated in Demwir game.


Doesn’t change the fact you do too marl.

now if you let me do my job and barrier actual power classes form falling into cult hands.

Unless Ashe/Mole has a specific target in mind they want me to barrier.

I can’t be lynched today, you can.

Says the scummy wolf that was obvious scum :smirk_cat:

Superjack’s and Hippo’s claims are gonna have to be PRETTY FREAKING BAD to make me want to hang anyone but Agent.

That kind of cocky posts might get you PL’d on D4.

Well, Jack said they wouldn;t claim, even on stand =…

I beg to differ mate, why else would PKR suddenly claim Knight?