SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

I said that’s a possiblity. I NEVER SAID HE ISNT ALCH. what I meant is:

and maybe you’re not alch. MAYBE. This is why I want my plan to happen (which involved Ici gettign wolfed to proof him and Val).

Now sure I have a weird way to deliver it but that is exactly what I meant. All I want is to have claims being proven so we can deduce who is evil. You’ll probably take credit for my plan and somehow then ride out on that town play smth.

Nice shade-throw

You can’t PoE in a conversion game, because your deduction will be wrong before you can kill the PoE targets!

Fuck it…

I recommend a Jack push tomorrow then for their claim since I cant change peoples minds about now.

/vote agent

How hard is this to follow?

at this point Ici I don’t know what you want. I’m trying to get a plan to happen so you get confirmed. Unless you don’t want that.

Here’s how I’m seeing potential scum:

AgentBoin: Cult Leader
PKR: Acolyte
Wolfy: N1 Princess -> Seeker
Frost/Noz: One is Druid, one is PD

I’m leaning Noz being Druid as he basically said for people not to visit him, which is a good way for people to not find out about your vine problem.

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Oh shit!

Agent is another person that played in the finals with us and said he try to kill pkr.

Could he be druid /!?!

Since agent is dead today;

I want to discuss the PKR situation more. If PKR really isn’t a knight and is (For example) Cult. Why wouldn’t he ride the plague doctor fake claim longer? I think only good can come of discussing this. I want to hear everyone’s thoughts.

Also I like the fact Marl is sitll active here but hasn’t posted his reads even being asked twice.

guys im not actually psychic im druid

I knew it!!!1!!1

i will kill marl tonight becuase he is bad


and i will also kilol ici becuase neuts out
and dama too
then i will kill myslef

Fine by me, unlike PKR - I said with more menacing threat than “Don’t visit him!”

Wolfy: N1 Princess -> Seeker

Ashe, there’s a clear contridiction here.

I cannot be seeker since jailed!

Also, acolyte starts first. :think:

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and now Marl tries to shut me up. Admit it Marl is top scum now. Just get ove rmy lynch rn and PL Marl D4 for mislynching me okay?

I’ll give them by the end of the in-game day. I was going to give them before Hippo refused to claim, but this situation has changed a couple of my reads.
My read on you remains unchanged from earlier when i started this vote train.

Hey, I can’t die. Thanks. You throwing shade at me is irrelevant.

Okay swap one around, idk say you’re acolyte.

Trust me I know what I’m doing

No I want your reads now. Stop refusing or shutting me up scum.