SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Noz will cure PKR to prove himself, which I don’t approve.

Sure thing.

After that, it’s Nuclear’s turn N3.

So if Noz going to ignore Ici then you know what will happen.

Nuclear isn’t infected, Jammy said so. You’re not infectious the night you’re infected. So PKR and the 2 starting + anyone and whoever the starting infected visited/were visited by.

Ah hah!

So Hippo is not confrimed as not druid!

For heals and such I suggest @Ashe @Moleland decide the night plan on their own with no input from all you guys. They are the only confirmed and scum keep sugesting plans for why is going to happen tonight which is bs.

Anyone who tries to overrule those 2’s plan should be seen as scum.

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Check me tonight to prove yourself and me in one.

I would like to contribute the fact that hunter should wolf the alch to confirm them both. This is a win/win plan and thus entirely objective.

We can make suggestions but they are having the final say. I’m tired of scummy people dominating the discussion.

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In case of druid framing a target, I would rather they not tell me or burritto who to go for, as that sometimes tends to be a mistake considering the can frame

Does that sound suitable to you hip?

Fine by me, so that’s my suggestion.

I still want a claim from you tho. comparing you to someone else doesn’t confirm anything honestly unless you’re paired with ashe/mole :thinking: Unless you can enlighten me how it would work to proof yourself?

Oh wait I see. If they get a result you’re confirmed not druid, but that still leaves the fact you could be scorned or some other neut class.

@Hippolytus We started to get claims from everyone who hadn’t hard claimed yet because when we put pressure on Ashe (for not being very active) she claimed prince, thus outing BOTH of the high kill priority targets for the cult.

I stand by this play, because it’s given us a bunch of material for discussion, such as PKR’s shady claim shift upon learning his fake claim wouldn’t work. Call me scum if you wish, but I don’t appreciate my intelligence being insulted because of a call on a play.

Every single downside of having claims from everyone was already there because high priority conversion targets (Wolfy/Vulgard/Noz) were already outed from our earlier discussion. This, in addition to both of the high kill priority targets for cult being outed, led me to push the minority of people who had yet to claim. The upsides of this is that it FORCES scum into a fake claim so they can’t adapt and make up believable lies later on in the game.

Your refusal to claim is causing me to doubt you being blue dragon. If you won’t claim, at least tell us who you visited last night so we know the spread of plague if someone is revealed to have it.

Everything Important that I want you to read is bolded if you don’t want to read that entire thing.

Marl I really don’t want to be rude, and I’m honestly trying my best, but that is just an insane mentality.

All the claims have given us no leads. Noone is confirmed except classes which could easily confirm themselves anyway.

And no, I’m still not gonna claim. It’s not about power classes being outted, it’s about cult being able to plan all their actions to maximum efficency when they know everyone’s class.

Can someone please investigate me tonight to prove I’m not druid and thus not scum.

Also I just realised PKR is likely cult and if we hang him druid doesn’t get a charge.

For the record I did think PKR was probably BD until he did that sus-af class change when he realised his first claim was impossible.

Read what I posted. First of all, we wouldn’t be on agent RIGHT NOW if it hadn’t happened. If you want to call it an insane mentality at least provide the reasoning for it.

Secondly, If you won’t claim and ARE BLUE DRAGON, tell us WHOM you visited last night so we know the spread of the plague.

Wouldn’t have happened without my play.

I WOULD NOT have made the play that I made if Ashe hadn’t been outed by us pushing on her for inactivity.

Typing my reads now, regardless of how scummy everyone is reading me.

Says you who was going full on NON CLAIMERS GET VOTED UP! and now votes me up even tho Hippo refuses to claim because I made a misplay?

Marl think for 2 seconds, if I hadn’t made a misplay, would you still be voting me up rn? No of course not. You’re contradicting your own tactic which is more scum than my misplay imo.

And you said yourself, you wouldn’t convert the PD straight away so what was my barrier on Noz gonna do anyway according to your theory? Same waste as on Mole. Sure I should roll a dice in the future if I got no good targets and I will, but can we move past my misplay?

It just seems silly you’re willing to mislynch over that fact. Unless you would suddenly chance your opinion if you were CW.

Now for real I’m gonna go play EU4, I need to stop frying my brains arguing and contributing at the same time.

Can someone make a list of all of the current claims? I don’t want to have to scroll down for an hour to figure out what everyone is saying they are.