SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

well ok then .-.

still kinda dont understand but eeh

Agent would you be happy voting PKR?

do i still do a telepath OR NAH

I gave you my reasons. The ONLY Reason Hippo is getting a pass is because he is NEVER CULT.

Might as well

k then

Prove with linking would be better, but sure go ahead.

Btw. The reason I think PKR should be cured is because if we don’t then he will infect BD causing a net loss after the cults sacs him

Valid point as cult shouldn’t be infected as I stated out before.

If PKR is cured tonight can he infect someone tonight?

He cannot. That’s why it would work

If Agent flips Acolyte I legitimately think Ashe should reconsider Jailing Dama. Dama doesn’t HAVE to infect anyone, and infecting no one would be a sign of good faith to cooperate with the blue dragon.

I… honestly don’t believe PKR is ever BD here, sadly. But he isn’t here to defend himself so i can’t really accuse properly

But Dama is a safe exe.

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NozBugz have to cure PKR then.

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/vote agent (just realized I haven’t already)

If agent flips then I would say to jail PKR and forget about my plan to cure him

Thats what I said

That’s true. I feel PKR is next to always scum though.

Two more votes I think

It’s possible