SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

It doesn’t matter.
I’m dead anyway.
So I’ve just had enough of Lady Luck.

I hardclaim Nagito Komaeda
Everywhere but FoL I’ve had some good luck
But damn, I certainly flipping haven’t here!

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PKR on trial yo


They’re clearly not gonna pardon…
So should this wait just be skipped?

Isn’t it nice not having to WIFOM this being Fool, eh?

/execute order 66

So well, /vote execute once again.

No no no

Now we continue discussion!

Nah. We wanna see you squirm

Kek, so you want to make this trial last the full 24 hours?
Just for discussion?
Whatever, feel free.
Everyone being allowed to hardclaim with no reprocussion early on is gamebreaking anyway.
Scum cannot feasibly will unless there is something implemented


@3DT_CheesyKnives if PKR flips quack, there’s no need to link me. You are free to do what you want to do

@Wolfy if PKR flips quack, check Frost
@NuclearBurrito Match Noz and someone you trust if PKR flips quack

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You should have stuck with claiming PD tbh

I’m not Quack, just wanted to make you all panic just a bit.
Im Cult Leader.
This isn’t gamethrowing as it doesn’t go against my wincon.
I’m not getting out of this alive.


It’s still flipping broken isn’t it?
Being able to claim early on with no consequences is gamebreaking.
If it was allowed, i’d already vote for my faction to concede

Marl before you ask you weren’t right just becasue we got 1 scum out of this
There really needs to be a defense against this bullshit, even if it was just bad luck on scum’s part, because it’s not even fun


If you was scum, you’d understand Mole.
Maybe try and have empathy with me
Is it broken or is it not?

I remember being scum in a game where people hard claimed early… You just gotta be bold and actually make sense, lel

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Early =/= Day 2 or 3.
If there were consequences to claiming like that.
Wouldn’t it be better, Mole?
It’d actually test deduction instead of
“Guys let’s just claim for free win and then feel good about ourselves!”