SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

No, he was mastermind

Oh ok. That makes perfect sense.

So ici, polik, and burrito are infected.

Burrito must have been infected pregame and infected ici and PKR N1 (but PKRs dead af anyway).

That means I’m gonna be infected tomorrow night by burrito rip.

Also agent but no hard feelings there.

/vote AgentBoin
I’ll be the vote goblin today. Majority is 8.

Votes for AgentBoin:

  • Nuclearburrito
  • Ashe

I said i did not believe his Priest claim! He is the priest legit

This is what I meant

You will be fine whoever visits you as well

That’s good to hear but, if that’s true that PKR wanted to convert you first night then it would be failure so acolyte-turned-cult leader should able to convert someone else we least expect.

So you didn’t get the plague then?

Also thank you for eliminating the carrier for me, that make my job easier.

Wait. Frost you claimed Plague doctor too?

Yeah duh I did.

NozBugz did claim Plague Doctor, but so did PKR before he changed to Knight, who said before he is non-knight claim.

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Recently or Night 1?

hang on a sec, polik or Wolfy must be lying.

Who did you cure?

I did mention Ashe earlier did I not?

Since PKR is first cult leader and Polik is Priest so he would be social/support rather than special/investigative.

What are you doubting about?

Ah you mean you visited both AgentBoin and Hippolytus last night, gotcha.

/vote AgentBoin

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@Hippolytus Ignore my question, my mind slipped.

aaah didn’t see this got opened

I barriered Vulgard, I hoped mind games made cult believe I’d go and barrier Polik so :man_shrugging:

also if I got vines on me that means druid used creeping vines on me, eww.

Also I never wanted to protect PKR lol? I read him as scum from the beginning (as far as I remember). So I wonder where that comes from LOL.

So your telling me that the Hunter (who can simply bear) needed protection than polik? I don’t buy it. Especially when there are outed plague doctors

More protection *