SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

He visited Icibalus and PokemonKidRyan, not compatible because Neutral and Cult.

Now he visited AgentBoin and Hippolytus, also not compatible and got vines on it.

And yes, compatible rules have changed since Neutrals that win with Neutrals are compatible, not they can either win with factions or not.

Yeah, if there really is no notification when you get wolfed as Alchemist, I’m definitely going to push people who basically made me waste a wolf.

I still don’t understand how Ici’s incompatibility with Cult rules out the possibility of him being a harmful Neutral, but I guess I’m not going to worry about it for now.

If Ici isn’t dead tomorrow, that will 100% prove him as Alchemist to me.


Actually, AgentBoin can’t be Druid. Moleland checked him as well?

Who’s actually in vines, Nuclear?

To be fair if that’s true I wouldn’t know it either. At the same time I will die to plague so I don’t have to convince you of crap cuz I am dead anyways.

Agent is in vines

But Moleland said he visited AgentBoin too.


Did he leave little detail or something?

Well he did mention he’s not going to say anything

/vote AgentBoin

I keep the vote back on, he would mention if he’s vined in there or not.

Not on the same night… oh wait that still has the same effect. Wouldn’t that make him the convert then? Because he is still incomplete with hippo

@Moleland Did you see vines actually?

Ignore this. It’s wrong

PKR is the cult leader and I did mention before if he did try to convert Wolfy that night then Hippolytus is innocent for the first night and failed brainwashing, he could be bluffing.

Either way, AgentBoin is vined as victim or the druid himself that will be no denying.

I cured Super as they seemed town to me, Your lives in our hands… oh god this will be fun.

We have established that you shouldn’t. Heal Ici instead. I’ll get this nights results to polik.

nobody claimed plagued yesterday soo… WHO WAS I SUPPOSED TO CURE


Or at the very least the prince/pally claim.