SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

6 votes for agent now. Majority is 8

@Ashe Are you opposed to getting a claim from SuperJack tonight in jail?

@Ami Not even you can disagree to this, yes? Forcing SuperJack to claim to the unconvertible always blue dragon prince?

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I don’t like it, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it

I’m still trying to figure out what this is supposed to say. I assumed it was ‘f-er’ but that’s only 6 letters.

F ucking

I’m referring to this


Votes for Agent:

I’ll probably jail SuperJack tonight.

Side note: Don’t trust investigations at face value. If Marl is Devout King, then he can use the CL body to frame someone (if he hasn’t already).

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You simply ignore the people who’s confirmed infected since day 2?

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I appreciate you mentioning the possibility, but once you see that I flip good king d4, trust the scum checks. One more thing on the subject: IF YOU PLAN ON HANGING ME D4, MAKE SURE WOLFY ISNT CONVERTED. This is ridiculously important.

I prefer to think of myself as a freedom fighter, actually.

/vote AgentBoin

Wee scum!

But yeah @Ami I have a gun I’d be very happy if you PROMISED to heal me tonight.
Then I’ll point my gun at Marl instead, obviously.

Honestly you’d save me the effort of having to defend myself in a trial, and it’d save us one night of trying to protect Wolfy from conversion. As long as you dont swing at Ashe/Mole/Burrito, do what you will.


This barrier is even more what than not barriering Noz
As in, my god, you could barrier the 2 PLAGUE DOCTORS THAT ARE STILL ALIVE.

Nice AtE lol

This ISNT an ATE. I’m giving you permission to fire at me if you want. I’m getting hung d4 regardless of what happens. I’m just asking you not bomb any of the important blue dragon roles.

continiuing from unfinished point on agent

Also, implying that we townread Polik lol.
My gut is saying that they are Ritualist and you’ve all just gotten screwed.
And bearing in mind a revive happening proves nothing since Puppet Of Mithras exists.

One more thing; Does the election for new king happen at the start of the day or the same day after I get hung?

Yes it was, you were trying to convince me not to shoot you by saying that you’re fine with being shot, making me doubt my reads.