SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Not Noz, Mole


Still Plague Doctor should not reveal, because it makes the game easier for scum. Also if it’s a convertible it’s a good target for it, cause then who would want to lynch the only role able to stop plague.

Good point because the quack doesn’t add to faction member limit.

But it can’t coordinate

Even as Quack it’s the only one able to stop the plague.
Every faction needs it even if converted

If I may make a suggestion.
Carrier claims, we vote King, Carrier becomes king.
No plague left

I really don’t like the fact this starts with most BD being directed by someone we don’t even know the alignment of

You mean the converter knows this person won’t show up on Discord know that Antagonist faction have Quaker and tell the team about it.

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We could kill the carrier, that works too


It dont need to, all it needs to do is not get lynched or night killed.

It becomes a good scum, because it can still scum hunt and isn’t influenced by the knowledge of its team mates.

And apparently downstairs add to the limit, which is even more powerful.

There’s a chance King is evil.
Carrier is Neut at worst

Jammy somehow mention there won’t be Neutral King as starter.

But that’s a waste of a convert

Also, how and when are the scum informed on who is with them?


There can be, tho

You mean Cowardly?

Cowardly King is neutral

Technically yeah, but that would every neutral role into Cowardly.

…that isn’t bad idea actually, but the question is who vote first.