SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

How has Marl.even gamethrew?

He executed the damn druid you baguette!

My first action failed because Wolfy got jailed, so not everyone can be saved.

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He quickhammered with little reasoning
It hit scum, but quickhammering is a scumtell

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Quiet you.

Not really.

With Noz or Jack up, to be honest, I’ll probably force exe both them.

No. I have nothing else to do today so I’m going to make an attempt to lynch scum today

You have accepted the deal you win together with BD, you stay that way.

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What I don’t get Ici, is why you’re trying to push someone far less likely to be scum when you’re Alch. Isn’t it your best interests to cause executes, regardless of who ends up being executed?

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Just make your claim super while you’re here

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It’s not a death tunnel. It’s someone who is blatantly lying about what I’ve done. There is literally proof of you read back of my attempt to push and get nzo lynched.

Since people in this game can’t scum hunt and need role claims here is my roleclaim ( from the message I tried to send)
I managed to fit everything in in 999 character lol.

I tried to send you my entire last will + more information, but I was then told of a 1000 Character limit -_-
I also have no chat logs to send you.
My class is The Squire, which is basically a town Amnesiac.
I have committed no actions, and I have tried to use my Immunity as an advantage by painting myself as a target.
-If you have any suggestions to which roles I should remember, please let me know by saying:
(Role) really does like Mondays.
-If you want me to act as LHF so that I can act as lynch bait please say: “Cheesecake”
-If you want me to push on someone you think is scum, say “x is acting a bit ducky”
-If you want me to fakeclaim a role, say “(Role) is poundage”
Feel free to lie about what I’ve said, I will go along with it if it benefits scumhunting. Fake claim my role/actions if you wish, I shall go along with it.
You also have permission to post this message publicly, as long as you exclude my roleclaim. Publicly would only benefit scum at this stage.

I wanted to roll town this game.
As such, I am playing like I’m town.

He is pitying the ineptitude of the BD

A squire claim…

I think we’ll know who we’re executing now…

As previously stated, SuperJack is obvious town




I can agree that Jack is BD.

Yes sure let’s totally kill the bulletproof universal backup definitely a good idea

I’m not sure jack is squire