SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Add my option on it as well

so what you are saying is you are cl and want to convert jack?

I will accept the result if the poll is created.

Oh, I forgot about one thing. Mole should Cleanse me if my option is chosen.

I mean we have confirmed scum already, so no need to get Ashe to exe them.

I still don’t trust the Squire claim. So either Noz or Super should be voted today

2 more likes for spicy revelation. It’s real spicy will be worth it

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Should we follow Moleland’s plan?

  • Yes
  • Certainly

0 voters

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If Noz is not converted but Acolyte the whole time then it doesn’t change my option.

Because if you do execute Noz for being Cult Leader now, who is going to be new cult leader? You didn’t thought of the follow-up.

It’s always better to let ashe kill noz


I believe that Noz is quack.

If he is the quack, then it means that cult has a third member, or the acolyte became leader

Precisely, unable for the cult to use Leader’s powers for night.


Then lets do a super lynch.

Mole, even you said they could potentially be cl, and they have acted like scum the whole time for me.

  • Follow Vulgard’s plan? (Execute Noz, Hippo dies of the Plague, Vulgard wolfs Jack, is cured by Frost and Cleansed by Moleland)
  • Follow Moleland’s plan? (Force Jack to execute Vulgard to prove one or both of them, Ashe executes Noz, Hippo dies of the Plague)

0 voters

I think that’s the correct poll.

I’d prefer vulgard arrows him, if he is hunter, as it covers more bases.

I am not going to tell what killed Marl other than BoM assisted by converted Physician unless it’s answered.

But what if super botes for val and then withdraws hos vote?
That’s the problem with your plan mole

Please, vote in there. I think I covered everything.

Then super dies. As long as super is first accuser, he dies

Why the fuck would I claim physician if converted physician was the only class which you guys think explains the third night kill. I could have claimed so many classes if I was scum.