SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

And whats if the leader was jailed. It means they would be unable to convert…

But SuperJack’s tone has been very townie and I still haven’t seen a convincing argument for his being scum.


But CL doing nothing makes no sense when Cult is losing, correct?

(Just so you know we’re highlighting the weakspots in our argument like it’s Danganronpa or something)


But using Blood Of Mithras at this point is far too risky, with only 2 cult left alive

Hippo dies to plague

I’ve updated it.


If Cult Leader was jailed, then how would Blood of Mithras have worked last night then?

I’m not saying he used Blood of Mithras. I’m saying he must’ve converted someone. And that would actually leave us with three Cult members. Was my reasoning wrong?

It didn’t because Cult Leader wasn’t Jailed


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Also, how could the leader convert if they were jailed if that was the case?


Icibalus v Wolfy

That’s what I am saying, Jack can’t be CL.

How certain that it is Noz that’s the Cult Leader, and not Super, as it seems to limit between those two right now?

SuperJack cannot be Cult Leader because of the Jailing last night!

Noz did claim Plague Doctor, so if he was the convert, then he would have had to be the Quack

Therfore the likelyhood of him being scum goes down.

I am suggesting he was starting Acolyte pulling off a gambit by claiming PD suddenly.

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How does that even work then?

If the leader was jailed, they wouldn;t have been able to kill or perform a convert

Therefore, if Cult Leader was jailed, then Blood of Mithras was not used to kill Marl, and was in fact, the Plague that killed him

Because there was no kill or convert last night due to killing being too risky and the Cult Leader not being able to convert last night due to converting Wolfy N2.