SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Also, now that I’m reading the sheet, wolfing Ici gave me the plague? I thought wolfing isn’t meant to be a visit.

Idk if it aplies to FoL

ye, ToL =/= FoL

I find it quite hilarious that both people who refused to participate in the massclaim were “Squire” in one way or another

Definitely not suspicious at all, lol

When you think about it, Hippo’s refusal to claim killed SuperJack

because SJ wouldn’t have claimed Squire if there already was one in play

So from what I can tell all of the misplays actually screwed Cult over in the end


Also Where in the world did SuperJack say they were Psychic linked? AKA the thing that got them hung. I’m 95% sure that you guys just imagined that

I was looking for the Link message and I found this…


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I had nothing to do in this cult loss, PKR was the main fault we lost, 1 converting me, 2. being a goddamn idiot D2

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Yooou didn’t even know who your teammates were. So yeah. You got the short end of the stick.

The mass claim accelerated scum loss, but they were pretty obvious in the end. I wanted to check pkr night one, I didn’t because I had already blessed hippo. Burrito could have found pkr night one, agent was scummy and got checked, noz was outted by pkr, and agent should have needed exed for not responding to Ashe (too long message, Lel).

He pretty much told me he converted you.

I didnt help at all :>

I got a note from SJ near the end of D2 so I knew she was scum. There was nothing we could honestly do.

How can you? We did your job for you during the day, lel.

As I said in the idea thread, cult need a limit kill ability, like 2 uses. They simply aren’t a threat to Paladin and prince as is.

Also @Frostwolf103 never save a neutral over bd again.

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@Icibalus apology accepted, even though I was pretty much right about everything.

Additional, can I stop rolling Paladin please?