SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

I was also expecting Ici to YOLO bomb at the end, but was hoping he would attack me.

He wasnā€™t p scummy but I PKRā€™s reaction of backpedalling when he realized frost had also claimed Plague Doctor came across as ā€œoh shit Iā€™m ccā€™ing my scumbuddy better change claimā€. Still half-true I guess.

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He didnā€™t saw I claimed and yes, that pretty much locked him.

Pkr was too buddy with me too. I wanted to check him night one, but I was semi committed to checking you.

I vote we rename alch yolobombs as Plague Potions from now on.
All in favor?

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call them attacs

This is arguing to be most spammed SFoL ever and not even the longest.

It is definitely fun theme, kudos!

Marl dies from the Plague




On a scale of 1-10 how high do you think the cultā€™s chances of winning would be If Ici HADNT bombed me? :thinking:

Iā€™d have been hung the next day 100% yeah?

Oh pfft, they got screwed the moment I counterclaimed.