SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

I know that now. It matches up with what I found.

I really with I didn’t miss that post because now I’ve just basically outed for no reason.

Depends on Ici’s mercy and how you confirm yourself next night.

Also I hope PKR is occupied first night and should get another one, should PKR lives by Day 3 then he’s not the carrier.

Well he said he was important. Maybe he is prince?

@Jazz is someone infectious the night they are cured?



That with royal blood passive or even butler himself, which is true hard-counter toward the carrier.

Well carrier isn’t scum and we have an outed PD so we don’t really need to hard counter them.

True true, what I mean by that is that the carrier need to spread once per two nights or face death yes? A butler can pretty much lock him.

Not sure if this winning condition is on purpose so the scum have chance to win with them as well quacks doesn’t add to their faction limit.

Should the cult members get infected, then the cult leader can best not touch them to sacrifice cult member in order to attack, they only need to visit and let them die slowly while hiding their tracks.

In the long run, if BD doesn’t end cult quick - cult will end us.

However NuclearBurrito, why out of all people do you want Ici’s claim badly if he already claimed Neutral Support at Day 1?

Wouldn’t Follow more sufficient?

I didn’t realize he claimed. If I had then I would have been on someone else.

What, a Neutral has claimed and isn’t being lynched? 0-o

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we don’t have a neutsout meta in FoL.

Said the person that didnt know any meta.

I said I didn’t know any playstyles of people here, not that I didn’t know aobut any meta. Don’t warp my words lol.

No, never asked for playstyle, I asked for meta.
You could of talked about their general meta of pro-neutral ideals.

But no, you just shot any chance of discussion down to ziltch.

I slept peacefully.

Just FYI.

Slept peacefully.

Also I think I know the class of one person but not sure