SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Is your neck okay?

Just turned the car off and on to unlock the wheels and drove off lol

A tad sore, but not bad at all.

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Jesus christ, thank god you are okay orange :smiley:


I thought you didn’t like me :stuck_out_tongue:

gotta just do a quick lil thing then class cards

I’m still human, I care about people :blush: (well some people I think can go burn in hell but thats besides the point)

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Have fun hope it goes well :smile:

Peace out goyimm

Good lord gracious, hope you are ok.

locking until all class cards out

All class cards sent


Let’s have great game together!

ToS players already suspect me



Thank goodness for the lack of puns


Will be posting content tommorow yee!

Post in my RP

Yolo killing this tonight boys gg gg

(not actually)


You are dead