SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

well yeah… I didn’t mean…

God, my brains fried from school…


Is it literally just because I wanted to put up cheese because I scumread him?
I think Noz might be illiterate.

Main reason I put you as Mid scum as this could be trying to force a mislynch.


I Just want Cheesy to claim. If his claim is good we can pardon and put up someone else.

Also I’M THE KING. I don’t know my allies. So by putting up someone quiet aren’t i likely to out my ally if i’m evil?

Just because you are king doesn’t mean you are lock town. The reason PKrR is soft scum is he wants people to vist him so he could be carrier

I didn’t imply that I’m locked town. I implied that I don’t know who my allies are which is true of any king.

Also PKR always wants people to visit him according to Hippo, so :man_shrugging:

Yes but the push for it worries me. Also the reason why I put cheesy on town is because he may just be busy IRL

Why am I on here twice? Am I null or mid town?

lol, I’m an idiot. Mid town.

I’m even more null than a NULL read :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, I thought for a minute you were seriously calling Burrito a Null while cheesy is town.

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Ya. Your not even on the list.

BTW the main reason why I have a town read on PKR is because his claim is attention grabbing but not in the fool way and his results with Ici mean he isn’t carrier

brain fried, updating list

MID TOWN- Burrito, Super, Ici, ScummyMcScumson (Wolfy)
Soft town-Cheesy, Vulgard
NULL-Everyone that isn’t on the list
Soft scum-PKR
Mid scum-Marl
Hard scum: None

top 10 anime lynch: NozBugz

Can someone link the electricuter class card? I haven’t seen it. Same with the druid. Also @Jazz can this game have a masochist?

The push for information worries you? Why are you afraid of information spreading?

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The Electrocutioner (Unofficial Class) :shield:

Neutral Killer
Charge (Night) - Apply a static charge to somebody. This person will die if they come into contact with another charged person or if they are charged a second time. The Charge ends when a charged target comes into contact with another
Electric Discharge (Passive) - You are permanently charged
Electric Field (Passive) - You are immune at night(you also don’t die if someone you charge visits you)
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon, the Unseen, the Cult and any Neutrals who stand in your way

The Druid (Unofficial Class) :shield:

Neutral Killer
Vines (Passive) - You are immune to death and occupation at night.
Vine Network (Passive) - No matter what investigates you, they will receive the result ‘Vines cover the outside of your target’s room’.
Judgement of the Wild (Day) - During the day, you may command the spirits to mark a player. The player you marked will be announced to all. Should that player not be dead by the beginning of the following day you will gain a use of Nature’s Retribution… - Infinite Uses
Creeping Vines (Night) - Every night you may extend your vines through the bricks of the castle to a player’s room. They will show up as a Druid to all investigative tonight, but not the following night - Infinite Uses
Nature’s Retribution (Night) - All players whose rooms you have entwined in your vine network will die tonight, and you are immune to detection by Investigatives tonight. Each night you will lose a use of this should you not lose it.- 0 uses.
You win by eliminating the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and all others who seek to corrupt nature.

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In all likelyhood, we are dealing with one of these two neutral killers, so everyone should know these abilities.

I find the reason weak, Super justified her vote on me while you just royal finger cheesy because of his check in post.

The check in post is incredibly different from my previous encounters with him. He was BD last game and was joking around a bunch, and he’s acting different now. Once again, Noz, I’m not asking for him to be executed. I just want him to be forced to claim.