SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

You voting me literally makes you even less worth of any trust

You have no reason to NOT give a full case immediately if you’re not going to vote with the others, too.

Except the speed of writing and/or having stuff to do :wink:

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Then he should’ve voted me alongside his case instead of before it

I can assure you, I am no professional. Playstyle differs like anti-neutral stance and other things

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Build a convincing case while I’m alseep. If you’ve managed to convince me to swap off cheese by then, I will. (Hopefully cheese claims while I’m asleep.)

@ Wolfy and Vulgard.
There isn’t anything Ici has said that makes me think he is scum. I’m not trying to hard defend him, but if we REALLY believe he’s a problem, the prince can jail and exe him. I say we hear out anything he says and his reads for now.

@Icibalus I’d appreciate a fully updated list of your reads sometime in the next 8 hours if you don’t mind. I encourage anyone who hasn’t given a town circle yet to do so as well.

Also, if we have a hunter, they can wolf him to prove he is an alchemist. (Since he is immune to bleeding.)

Once again, I know that’s thinking mechanically, but whatever.

And if he happens to be the carrier? Then you fucked the Prince over with that suggestion. It’s either a night kill if possible or Prince has to execute

Prince doesn’t visit his jail target does he?

He DOESNT want people to visit him. He’s been asking for people to not this entire game. I haven’t read him as anything even close to carrier. If anything, he’s fool/scorned/nk. I don’t think he’s cult here either.

PR-fishing dosen’t help BD one bit. The more classes scum know the more convert options they have.


This feels to me like he’s trying to look like he’s contributing while he isn’t.

-Says he thinks all those D1 claims are a bad idea
-Proceeds to VFC

‘doing nothing wrong’ is a bad defense in any case but this feels so much like he’s trying to answer my question without actually answering it.

This is either completely awful BD play or awful NK play.
Wanting to lynch a neutral is a safe scum wagon, and dosen’t reflect badly on the people who pushed it.

Also their tone has been scummy as hell anyway. I can’t fully articulate it, but they simply don’t feel like BD

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Spiritualist and Revenant are not in play
Fool and Masochist are not in play

^this is important in Ici’s case

This is why i think he could be the Carrier. He wishes not people to visit so they contract the plague, unless he is bsing us…

I would rather not let an investigative check him though

Marl, trust me on this read

@Wolfy Think from my perspective.

Give me a reason why my actions don’t make sense as a class that has the sole goal of surviving.
I only don’t want to be visited so I don’t catch the plague.

Wouldn’t the carrier love to have everyone visit them so they die of the plague?


Carriers win condition is to also survive the game!

He doesn;t want everyone to die. He can win with anyone providing he stays alive

But as Marl has stated, I’d want everyone to visit me so the game is over quicker

Alright. You’ve built a good case.

Vulgard, do you mind claiming so I don’t have to make my use of finger a waste?