SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

But if I do, why not protect me then?

Instead of doing nothing just vote Ici and be done with it, sheesh

I won’t reveal what I’m doing tonight though

Stop bloody deathtunneling

We already established that he is inno

Wolfy you’re also under suspicion

So hearing it from you feels weird

If you Wolf me, I s2g I will murder you next night :smiling_imp:

But seriosuly, you would be wasting a wolf on a Princess


I didn’t get feedback

Brain fried, my bad, you are soft town

See my reponse to Marl

Likely wasn’t infected, so maybe that’s why no feedback

Also if you send a wolf Wolfy’s way he will likely hug it to death. same with PKR

I finally caught up sighs

thankg od its weekend tomorrow so I can stay up to date better. Now I’mma pee and then drop my reads. Also i fidnit funny marl reads me slight scum then again I believe Marl will forever readd me slight scum :thinking: /s

lynch agent /s

Incoming noob reads by agentboiii, be prepared to be amazed OwO:

legend: Top to bottom is much - slight read.


  • Hippo, he has similar read sto mine and I liked his plan, then suddenly cheesy claimed so idk what Hippo wants to achieve rn.
  • Cheesy: No reasons to suspect him of anything and made a claim that is hard to fake ( as far as I know so don’t kill me if i’m wrong aobut that). Likely convert target probs.
  • Mole: Hard claimed D1 pala and I believe him for now, but he is barely talking tho. Or I must have missed his posts.
  • Jack: I have mixed feleings about this but I’ll leave jack as a townread honestly.


  • Ici: I read him originally as actual Alch, then Burrito soft supported him “we can make cheesy claim and lynch marl” (to lazy to quote who can blame me after reading 500 posts ffs). So now I’m torn between alch/cult scumread. Or another Neut class.
  • Vulgard: I back Icis scumread and he also claimed hunter and hasn’ tyet proven himself, wolfing Ici also seems stupid to prov ehimself because he will be put at Icis mercyon whether he will be lynche dor not. Then again we can easily protect ourselves form that mislynch by making Ici vote first if Vulgard din’t wolf Ici. Win/win. Easiest scum to flip town. Probably On the top of cults list to convert.
  • Nuclear: softsupported Icis lead to lynch marl as I said under Icis scumread. I’ll consider this scum till he proofs me otherwise.
  • Wolfy: Pushing on an Ach claim hard and then vague claims into princess, seems fun.


  • Marl: He reads me as scum /s I actually read him like null first as town but he kinda lost that read on the way. I give him the benefit of the doubt.
  • Polik: hasn’t said much to anythign really.
  • Dama: Hasn’t said much except what happened to him during the night.
  • ashe: Yeah nothing.
  • Noz: I’m just leaving this here for now.
  • PKR: I actually don’t have anyhting on him and he has been more quiet than usual today as far as I’m aware.
  • Frost: I really got no imprint of him.

This could be very wrong, I’m a more mechanic, reuslt information reader and use that to scumread people. I’m pretty much just speculating here :thinking:

Also beware typos, chrome isn’t on english so there are gonna be spaces misplaced and words butchered probably.

Your reads to say the least are extremely… Controversial.
I really don’t understand what you mean by most most of them

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Yeah Wolfy is scum af. The way in which he claimed princess was so fantastically scummy it’s a joke.

PKR if your prince it would be worth claiming at this moment imo. I’m sure we have some protectives who aren’t claimed yet.

I think Dama is probably druid based off the alliteration of Dama the Druid.

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Hippo join me on the Wolf wagon for freelo

/vote Wolfy

I’m very confident he is scum.

This has been a very interesting and long day of claims. It makes it a lot harder when noone is dead yet.