SFoL15:Grand Idea (Canned/Lit Club Win)

lol, unless it states you have royal blood you od not have royal blood

I have ultimate power of towels. There isn’t much to explain .


What if I steal it with my towel?

31is what he’s claiming

/vote superjack

/Vote superjack

/vote SuperJack lmao

/vote super

Every time they play, they just act too scummy.

I almost feel bad about this


But the towel isn’t really a threat

I managed to kill with it. Lol.

I STRANGLED A MAN WITH A TOWEL. BOW AT MY FEET (all hail towels all hail)

Welp I’m host confirmed now.

oh no this is just me shitposting. Don’t take my shitposting as anything important in-game

Welp I’m now host unconfirmed.

I’m sure I can figure a way to use my towel to confirm I’m host.


SuperJack (L-2)-Orange,Hippo,Vulgard,Burrito,Wolfy

By host*

So, someone calling me scum for no reason gets followed by a bunch of sheep.

Guys I’ve found a scum player.

/vote orangeandblack5

For pushing a vote on a player that hasn’t posted or wasn’t around by accusing them of being scum without just cause, followed by a train of sheep, possible scum votes.

And no, you can’t of visited me, because my action last night was to use my towel to strangle someone that visits me.

Not that I have any real say in this but didn’t Orange say he was death immune?

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