SFoL15:Grand Idea (Canned/Lit Club Win)

Also both Monika and Atua suck so there’s that

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Did you just insult our god Atua


Did Atua give you the best scum reads in SFoL 13?

Who needs a god anyway? Gods are just things that robophobic people come up with to shame us robots for having no otherworldly creator.


Omg, I love K1-B0 so much

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I thought you loved me though! :crying_cat_face:

No silly that was because I was not in Atua’s light
Now I will have a 4/4 scumteam D2

Wait for that to fail yet again :smirk_cat:

(Before you ask I don’t worshiip atua either but atua is fun)

I think you mean angie is fun :^)

And you just betrayed Ryan’s trust…

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Fine, praise atua or MOnika IF YOU WISH

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Or Sayori or Yuri.

But don’t leave Sayori hanging for too long though.

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Seems like I’ve made it in then.
As I did join without that secondary requirement already

I get this you horrible monster i love sayori

i’ll update the list when as i need to get to “Not Really Class” Class in a minute or so

List Updated, One slot remaining

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Thought I would point this out before anyone else is nitpicky about it

shuttup this is what happensw when I type on phones Ahhhh

Moika, the m2.

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